"Who we are"

Thank you very much for browsing our website. It’s designed to address your major concerns and present the BYGS concept in a simple and practical way, explaining why we’re working every day to make it the best experience for everyone.

Developed by Plinio Y. Sant’Ana Kakihara, a native of Brazil who has been residing in Japan since 1996. He has worked in advertising companies, gaining knowledge in the sector that helped him to have a vision and venture into the world of technology.

Initially, the idea was to create something to showcase interesting and curious places such as restaurants, cafes, and tourist spots that are rarely found in traditional travel guides. However, he also noticed the great need and lack of opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to present their attractions through the fastest growing segment worldwide (applications), due to their high development and maintenance costs.

Thus, the app model was born, serving for entertainment, knowledge, navigation, and assistance, encompassing everything and everyone quickly, with a simple and functional interface, global and multilingual.


  • 5 years of development and planning.
  • First Beta version: November 2017.
  • Available languages: Brazilian Portuguese, English, Japanese, and Spanish.
  • Navigation system by geolocation, GPS.
  • Keyword search system, proximity search, points on the map, and categories.”
Company introduction会社紹介 
Trademark商標Bygs ®
Company name会社名FullQuick Network LLC 合同会社
Location所在地本社:〒440-0033 愛知県豊橋市東岩田3-2-6
Overseas offices海外事業所ブラジル事業所 :SCN Quadra 5 Bloco A Sala 217 (Brasília Shopping Towers – Torre Norte) – Asa Norte Brasília/DF – CEP 70715-900 | Brasil
Offices インド 事業所 :Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala 695301, India
  ポルトガル事業所:R. Ruivo Godinho 23, 6000-155 Castelo Branco, Portugal
Date of establishment設立年月日平成29年7月4日
Representative employee代表社員柿原 サンタナ
Business executives業務執行社員赤嶺 ジスライネ
Number of employees従業員数22名
Bank取引銀行国内:三菱UFJ銀行 ・ ゆうちょ銀行
  海外:「ブラジル」Banco Itau ・「インド」HDFC Bank
URLURLhttps://www.bygs.app   /   https://www.bygs.site
E-mailE-mail contact@bygs.site
Major trading partners主な取引先Açaí Motion International, Veritas, 50 por 1 by Alvaro Garnero, K2Q Developer India, AgriForte Brazil SA. , AgriForte USA. Miragen (K.K.), TEGG Telecon…
Cooperation companies協力企業Samsung Developer, Google, Amazon for Developers, AWS, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Android, App Store, Google play, DATABASE, Digital Ocean
  Firebase, Google Cloud Platform Developer, facebook for developers
  PayPal, Stripe, Jaspex Group, Senna Group, Forno & Fogão, Radiante Alkaline Water, Pão & Arte, Trampo…


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